One of These Things is Not Like the Other

I’m confused.

Sunday morning.  Mid-January.  Freezing temperatures.  National sportscast.

One professional journalist shows up ready to bring it.

The other?  Like I said, I’m confused.

My first thought was, ‘What the hell? Really?  Followed immediately by, “Maybe I’m too sensitive.  Perhaps I’m over-reacting.”

So I asked a gentleman running on the treadmill next to me for his first impression.  “Yup, that’s sexist.”

Don’t take me for a prude, because I’m not.

But here’s my concern:  Women have undergone and continue to undergo a long and tough battle for gender equality, and I want to ensure that we are all following through with how we’re showing up in our daily lives – every day – both personally and professionally.  We owe it to ourselves and to those who have gone before us.

Don’t bitch to me about gender equality one minute if you aren’t going to follow it up with a professional, respectable and appropriate personal brand that makes us all proud.

We’ve worked far too long and hard for anything less.

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About Charlene SanJenko

Charlene SanJenko, Founder + CEO of PowHERhouse Impact Media Group, has worked intimately with thousands of women over the past 20+ years to understand what they need to fully integrate excellence and fulfillment in all areas of their lives.